Thursday, May 6, 2010


CredoWriters- Wakdok, Samuel Stephen.

Our father in heaven I want to pray but I am not a Pentecostal prayer warrior, I want to sing like the psalmist but my vocal cords are not good for singing. All I can do is to pray in writing and write as if I am singing. There is no telephone to heaven so how do I dial your number and no post office box either. But I know you are ever present and ever living, my prayer or song when written will get to you and my prayers will be answered.

Our Father in heaven; you told us your kingdom will come, but the evil men keep chasing us away from that kingdom or keep diverting that kingdom to their pockets and offshore accounts. Is it just that millions should be denied your kingdom because some selected brigands have laid siege on our inheritance?

Our father in heaven; you taught us to ask for this day and with faith in you we only seek for this day. We live for this day and want to fend for our families for this day, but daily we lack for this day because the greedy ones have since days gone by appropriated the days ahead for themselves upfront. They took our day and are even taking all the days yet to come leaving us helpless and hopeless. Our daily bread they have accumulated to their ever bread. We toil and get more impoverished; they belched on the fruits of our labour while we keep praying for this day which they have already stolen.

Our father in heaven, how can we forgive them their trespasses when they are not working towards emancipating us from economic slavery? We ask you to forgive us the sins we commit to ensure we survive their wickedness. Punish them since they are the real brains behind our sins and father, for us to be sinless the evil men must be purged.

Our father in heaven; they have more than led us into temptation. They are pushing us to steal our own porridge because it is not made available to all. They have led us to tell lies proclaiming their lordships to get crumbs from their tables. We scramble for crumbs from the bread they steal daily from us.

Our father; kindly delivers us from evil and we know who they are. We can not be delivered from evil when the outlive us. We can only be delivered from evil if you kill them for us father. Father, I do not imply you are a murderer because to kill an evil man is not murder. Ten good men have never caused misery to one bad man, but one bad man can cause miseries to million men. Should a few evil men live for millions to suffer?

Our father in heaven I am not a Pharisee, neither am I a tax collector. I am worse than the hybrid of these two. I am a Nigerian at the brink of extinction. Save us lord from the smiling evil men and the frowning evil men alike. Protect us from the wicked people who play chess with our destiny as a nation and a people. Those who wasted our today must not waste again our tomorrow.

In your most Holy name I pray. Amen.


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