Saturday, September 3, 2011



CredoWriters: Wakdok, Samuel Stephen.

The tyrant could not get his fantasy of a United States of African which the self anointed kings of kings wanted to be the sovereign ironically gets a United War on Libya. Not since the gulf war 1 of 1991 after Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait has the entire world been united in tackling a tyrant, despot, dictator and a power drunk. The 2003 invasion of Iraq saw a divided West but in 2011 even the Arab league joins other international partners (The UN, EU, USA, and AU) to enforce the U.N resolution 1973 on Libya. The U.N No-Fly zone may be coming late especially for the innocent Libyan civilians killed by Gaddafi’s forces but it is better late than never considering the millions of others at the threat of extermination from a leader who has threatened to show no mercy to his own people, to cleanse Libya house by house. The enforcement of the UN No-Fly zone code named Operation Odyssey Dawn was launched on the 19th of March 2011 to destroy Libya’s air defence system and make it impossible for his war planes to bomb civilians and their cities. It also gave the coalition forces the legitimacy to destroy Gaddafi’s tanks marching on the so called rebelled cities. The French forces fired first in the NATO international operation.

Colonel Muammar Gaddafi overthrew the monarchy of King Idris in 1969 came on board as a 27 year old revolutionary blending religious fundamentalism with Arab nationalism .After 41 years in power he has over stayed his welcome and is indeed the world’s longest reactionary. Gaddafi was the sponsor of the Palestine Liberation Organization (The PLO) while the former was a terrorist organization;(Kidnappings of Israeli athletes during the 1972 Berlin Olympics, the Entebbe hostage of 1977 in Uganda, etc) which is responsible for modern day terrorism. From sponsoring rebel causes across Africa to the IRA in Northern Ireland and Moslem rebels in far away Philippines, to the Lockerbie Bombing of 1988 Gaddafi is the most consistent age long exporter of terrorism across the globe even before the advent of al qaeda. He uses religion to whip up sentiments when it suits his inordinate ambition. He has on more than one occasion called for the disintegration of Nigeria across religious lines because he saw a united Nigeria as a threat to his dream of leading a United States of Africa. The same Gaddafi now accuses al qaeda and Islamists for the chaos in his country when in fact it is a popular uprising by the people of Libya for genuine liberation from a despot and his family’s hold on their national life.

For Gaddafi to go to the extent of arming mercenaries to massacre his own people, use his air force for aerial bombardment of his own citizens, call his people ants, cockroaches and drug addicts; once again in Gaddafi; African leaders have shown that Africa is the square root of power maniacs. From Burkina Faso to Cameroun, Cote d’ Ivore to Congo Brazzaville; Equatorial Guinea to Gambia, Sudan to Uganda and far away Zimbabwe; corrupt, autocratic and despotic African regimes have turned their people to pawns and their countries’ wealth to personal estates. (This is not exclusive of the dead despots in Nigeria, Gabon, Zaire, Togo etc) The European Union evolved but the African Union was merely proclaimed without the conditions for integration attained. How on earth did a Gaddafi whose records of criminality are unbeatable play a pivotal role in the AU?
The coward that he is like all the tyrants before him claimed to have called a cease fire immediately the No-Fly zone resolution was passed though it was just a fad because his forces went ahead to assault Benghazi and other cities. Now he is calling the coalition forces crusader invaders to raise religious sentiments when in essence he was killing his own Moslem citizens? He has gone ahead to gather human shields in his compound in the event of an allied bombs against him all in the name of pro-supporters. This is coming a month to the 25th anniversary of the USA bombing of Tripoli in April 1986 which narrowly missed Gaddafi and killed his daughter. He is fighting a propagandist war and has released arms to over 1 million Libyans (pro Gaddafi or mercenaries) to turn Libya into a sea of red hell as he earlier promised.

Gaddafi belongs to the E5 (Evil Five) of Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin, Idi Amin, Saddam Hussein and should be quickly consigned to the dustbin of history to make the world if not safer, at least one evil less. However the Buoazizi nemesis should not only stop in North Africa but tyrants and despots like Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe who have for too long held their countries and people to ransom should take the exit door before sand runs out of their glasses.


The war in Libya has entered its seventh month now, today is 1st of September 2011 and Gaddafi would have been celebrating 42 years in power if not for the rebels’ assault on Tripoli. The self proclaimed king of kings is now a fugitive with 1.6 million dollars tag on his head by the rebels. An estimated 50,000 people have been killed in the conflict according to the NTC. The sad thing is that the AU has refused to recognize the National Transitional Council making it possible for other tyrants to believe they will always have a field day. Gaddafi who was sponsored rebels across the world has been chased out of his palace by rebels. We call that the law of karma. Unfortunately, the NTC has raised an alarm that a fugitive Gaddafi is a threat to world security and I concur with them. The world has seen more blood because people like the Khalifa have always used human beings as pawn in the game of power of selfishness. This is evident in what is going on in Nigeria because no matter what we believe, their are people who stand to gain from every terror activity.

Written 07/04/2011

Updated 01/09/2011.

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