Monday, September 21, 2009


By WakdokSamuelStephen.

At my funeral
Which of my friends will be there?
How many will leave behind their tight schedule
and travel to pay me last (dis)respects.
I can see some few known faces
Many may be strangers, passers by, church workers, grave diggers, Bus drivers, but all strangers.
Some of my relations will go to the market to sell their perishables
Some of my friends will go for the last stage of those important interviews they have
My school mates will be on vacation after working hard all year round
My colleagues will be posting or calling over or even on marketing calls.
They seemingly sacrificing ones will dare all the distance and tight schedules and risk the bad roads
They will be there.
Yes from my coffin I can see her from that branch
I am seeing him from the other branch
Yes; one of my class mates is here
My supervisor came late but at least he made it at last
Who is that in black dress, or the lady in red?
Please remove your goggles so I can see the tears or is it smiles?
Oh. Wonderful you are man enough and strong, I hate tears.
Will they send a casket for me?
Will they use a new shovel or hire one?
Will it be wet sand or dry sand?

My funeral
Who will make the most beautiful speech?
"He was a nice guy; he was always caring for those in need"
"That was a good boy, very honest and sincere."
"He was a dependable friend."
How many will be sincere to say all the wrong things I said or did?
Who will be bold to say the number of times I erred.
Which lady will be frank to say I broke her heart?
Who can stand in the crowd and say this man was a bad man?
None I guess
All will say in Unison
"There lies a gentleman. The world at large has lost a good heart, a rare gem."

Yet If I was that good why did they let me die? Why did you leave me to die?
If my so called friends had come to my aid when I needed them most, who knows I may still be alive doing all the good things they now say I was good at.
If my allowances and entitlements were paid promptly, I may have lived longer.
If my country had done well for our welfare and security. I will still be working and contributing my quota.
All that I needed to remain alive was a little help from you, a little magnanimity from him. Just a little bit of tenderness from her.
It was cheaper for you to come to my rescue than all you have spent at my burial.
It was easier to walk to my home than the distance you covered to attain my funeral.
It was more beneficial for you to help me live than all the tears you are shedding now which I can't repay.
I am better alive than dead.
But the human nature is complex.
From those cold hearts I now get so much comforting words in my grave.
From those frugal pockets I now get these generous donations to lie in a golden coffin?
Keep your gold if you could not bail me with paper.
Take your incense away from my graveside
Plant no flowers by my tomb when you could have planted more than flowers in my life with a little kindness.
Save me all the stress and save yourself all these distractions.
My Epitaph I will write my self
“Here I am - because no one went a millimeter further to help”.
I hate funeral speeches.
Thank you.

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